Conquer the Fear of Rejection, Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Heal Your People Pleasing Patterns So You Can Feel More Connected Than You’ve Ever Imagined Possible
(no matter how socially anxious and disconnected you've felt before)
Imagine if you felt safe to be yourself everywhere you go.
Imagine if you had the tools to connect with anyone, anywhere you are in the world.
Imagine if you had the ability to create deep and meaningful relationships that help your life and business reach whole new levels of success.
All of this, and much more, is hidden deep inside of you.
My name is Ricky Goodall, but that’s not really who I am.
That’s just the identity I created to fit into the world. Who I really am, I tell myself, is God, Creator or Conscious Universe, manifested as a Higher Self, or a Child of God, pretending to be Ricky Goodall.
When I live life as Ricky, I lived limited by his fears, failures and limiting beliefs. But when I live life as the Higher Self, I become limitless.
I created Conscious Intimacy Games to give myself and others the space to take off the mask, unbecome our false identity and become our true, authentic, Higher Self.

Conscious Intimacy Games are sensual but not s*xual, they’re intimate but not romantic. They’re safe enough to bring your mother to and can be made spicy enough to bring your lover to.
They’re talk and touch based games designed to teach you how to be in the kinds of relationships that your parents and society couldn’t teach you to be in.
They’re designed to help you relax and regulate your nervous system in the presence of others so you can overcome loneliness, face your fear of rejection and open yourself up to more love, connection and intimacy with the people you spend time around.
Our talk based games help you develop important skills like how to connect with anyone, how to resolve conflict, how to become a better listener and how to express your needs and boundaries.
Our touch based games help you relax your nervous system in the presence of others so you can feel more present, grounded and safe to be who you really are.
We host events in places like Canada, Mexico and the United States, as well as online by Zoom Video. We’ve trained 41 facilitators, 184 online facilitators and more than 350 students worldwide.

Conscious Intimacy Games can help you:
Forgive yourself for past mistakes so you can accept the person you are, regardless of how you once behaved
Learn the skills to navigate conflict so you can create loving relationships without spending years in coaching or counseling
Face the fear of rejection so you can share your true self with the world, even if you’ve been frozen from fear before
Discover your deeper mission and purpose so you can live a life that inspires you, without losing yourself in the process
Experience unity and oneness in the presence of people you barely know, so you can have greater faith in humanity, despite how dark our history might be
Live your own spiritual truth so you can feel safe and supported in life, even if religion or spirituality failed you in the past
Connect with the feeling of unconditional love so you can relax your nervous system into a whole new reality and a whole new way of being
The easiest way to experience Conscious Intimacy Games is to join our community,
Conscious Intimacy Academy.
Conscious Intimacy Academy is kind of like a cross between a consciousness dojo, a high performance mastermind and an epic playground...
...all available online by Zoom Video.
We have live, interactive video calls twice per month where you play Conscious Intimacy Games in real time with other human beings from all over the world.
You'll learn talk based games that will help you instantly connect deeply with others, become a better listener, more effectively resolve conflict, ask for what you want, say no to what you don’t want, and express your needs and boundaries.
Imagine spending a week with your family without getting triggered... these games will put you in real-life relationship situations so you can develop the skills to connect consciously and compassionately BEFORE you need them.
We also host bonus calls every month like our Conscious Intimacy Group Coaching calls designed to help you create a clear, simple strategy for how you can create massive success in life and business.
Too busy for 2-3 calls per month? No problem, you can come to as few, or as many as you like.
Plus, as soon as you join, you'll start receiving 12 weekly Initiation Lessons that will teach you how to create more conscious, intimate relationships with yourself, others and the Universe. There is a homework assignment at the end of every lesson that will challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and expand yourself beyond your current limitations.
There is a private, members only support group where you’ll connect with members from all over the world who can practice games with you outside of calls.
You're also allowed to bring a friend to every call, so you can practice with the people you're closest with.
Click Here To Join Conscious Intimacy Academy
What People Are Saying
Hear from the people who have experienced the magic of Conscious Intimacy Games
When you join Conscious Intimacy Academy, you get access to a BRAND NEW 24-page Conscious Intimacy Facilitator Manual that will teach you how to create your own conscious intimacy experiences for friends, family and colleagues (valued at $197)
Click Here To Join Conscious Intimacy Academy